James Harris, President
James Harris is the heart and visionary behind Harvest Community Charities. To know him is to understand that he is a man with a heart that beats for others. James has a personal, well-balanced understanding of the root issues of poverty and precisely how poverty and food insecurity affect individuals, families, and children.
James was one of five children and grew up in Texas. His father worked to provide for his family, and his mother had to be creative in feeding a family of seven due to income and available resources.
When James was just 11 years old, his mother passed away. An aunt moved him and his siblings to Louisiana to be closer to their extended family. Creativity became a new meaning as the family unit increased to a new extended family of ten. Together, they lived and worked on a farm. As they worked to provide for their family, it became the children's job to help raise the food they would eat at their table. During this time, James worked on the farm in the morning and night and held two other jobs.
One of his jobs was in a grocery store. He began as a bag clerk and worked his way up. Throughout his career, he has worked in all areas of the food and grocery industry, including: owning retail convenience stores, operations, sales, manufacturing, and distribution.
He also spent seven years in ministry, establishing programs providing food and assisting needy families, leading to Harvest Community Charities' eventual establishment.
By understanding James’ background and history, the heart of the visionary behind our organization becomes apparent and is essential to understanding why he envisions creative, simple solutions that are attainable today.
Antonio Thomas, Vice President
Antonio is an anointed man of God who not only preaches the Word of God but believes in the power of God. He has served as a pastor, teacher, and motivational speaker for over twenty-five years. He serves as Senior Pastor of St. Mark A.M.E Church and Director of the 9th District Economy Development Ministry. He also serves as the Board Member and advisor of the CBHH Non-Denominational church movement with various locations in New Mexico, Florida, Tennessee, Liberia, and Ghana, Africa.
In addition, Antonio serves as Chancellor of the CBHH Christian Academy. He is an entrepreneur at heart and a well-respected business owner. He is co-owner and CEO of one of Southeast's largest Medical Billing Companies. Antonio graduated from Tusculum University with a B.S. degree in Business Administration, a minor in Psychology, and a Master’s in Theology. He has traveled the world as a motivational speaker for Fortune 500 Companies, started one of the first Minority Employment Agencies in Jacksonville, FL, and opened his own Direct Sales Company marketing health and nutritional products. He was also co-owner of Clean Image, a commercial cleaning company. He opened two retail stores with his family, which provided job opportunities and local spending opportunities for the community. Antonio also fulfilled the role of Vice President for an Insurance and Investment Company for many years. He is active in the community and an active member of the NAACP, Urban League, and the Youth Mentor Program. Antonio is a humble man of God, of faith and action. He believes that to whom much is given, much is required and expected, so he gives generously and unselfishly of his time and resources, knowing that God is his provider.
Wanda Harris, Executive Director
As the wife of our President, Wanda Harris has been a silent partner in this ministry all along. Though, her prayer for the ministry has been anything but silent, as she has been the primary prayer support for her husband and Harvest Charities for many years.
She is excited to be recently elected to serve as the Executive Director and looks forward to focusing on public relations and community. She believes God has opened this door and is eager to see what He will do.
Before accepting this position, Wanda ran a successful Airbnb and received numerous “Host Awards.” Due, at least in part, to her natural Southern hospitality. Before their move to Alabama, she owned and operated Fay’s Deli in Overland Park, Kansas
James & Wanda were married in 1979 and have two adult sons and four amazing grandchildren.
Kristy Kennedy, Secretary
The State Board of Missions has employed state Missionary Kristy Kennedy since March 2010, and she is an associate in the Office of Associational Missions and Church Planting. She gives leadership to such ministry areas as Literacy Missions, Church and Community, Deaf, and Hunger. Kristy attends Glynwood Baptist Church in Prattville.
Pastor Jeremy Saylor, Board Member
Jeremy Saylor became the Lead Pastor of Christian Life Church in the Spring of 2011. His journey has not taken the conventional route of a pastor.
He holds three degrees from the University of Alabama in Political Science and Public Administration and is pursuing his Doctorate in Ministry Leadership. He is licensed through Global University with the Assemblies of God.
Jeremy is passionate about developing fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who experience His presence and walk in His purpose for their lives.
Raised in a pastor’s home in Winfield, Alabama, he understands the power of prayer and practicing the presence of God. He comes from five generations of pastors and knows Christianity is not a time and location thing; it is a lifestyle!!! Jeremy and his wife, Meg, live in Helena, Alabama, with their two children, Harrison and Kate.
Brian R. Smith, Board Member
Brian graduated from The Citadel in Charleston, SC, with a B.A. in English Literature. Upon graduating, he served as a Regular Army Officer until 1992, then entered the reserve components. He retired with 21 years of service in the military at the rank of Major.
Upon leaving active duty in 1992, he started his financial planning practice. He has managed his financial planning practice, Iron Legacy Wealth Advisors, for over 25 years. Brian holds the Certified Financial Planner (CFP®), Certified Business Exit Consultant (CBEC®), Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®), and Certified Retirement Planning Councilor (CRPC®) designations.
He has been married to his wife, Gretchen, for 30 years. They have a daughter, Ashton, and a son, Mason. Ashton is a graduate of Auburn University, and Mason is a student at the University of Alabama and a member of the Alabama National Guard.
Brian is an Eagle Scout and has served as a scoutmaster and assistant scoutmaster, coaching football, baseball, and soccer for his children’s sports teams.
Brian and Gretchen are members of the Church of the Highlands and attend the Greystone Campus.
Dr. Larrell Wilkinson, Board Member
Dr. Larrell L. Wilkinson is a follower of Jesus Christ. He works as an Associate Professor of Community Health & Human Services in the School of Education at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). He completed his doctoral training in Health Services Policy & Management at the Arnold School of Public Health (ASPH) at the University of South Carolina (USC) in 2011. He also earned a Master of Science in Public Health degree from the ASPH, with a focus on Health Promotion Education & Behavior at USC in 2005. He is a proud graduate of Tennessee State University (TSU), a HBCU located in Nashville, TN, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology in 2001.
Dr. Wilkinson is a Certified Health Education Specialist and Health Coach, working in various forms locally through his research at UAB and outreach efforts to support health improvement among the African American community. Dr. Wilkinson has worked in various capacities in public health and research, including interning at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, GA; Program Manager of the USC Office of Substance Abuse Prevention & Education; and Postdoctoral Fellow at the USC Institute for Partnerships to Eliminate Health Disparities. At UAB, Dr. Wilkinson’s primary research interest focuses on the reduction or elimination of health disparities through community engaged research. This work includes gaining a better understanding of the individual, contextual, and behavioral factors associated with disease, disease risk and the design and implementation of interventions to address these factors. Specifically, his research emphasizes promoting active living, stress management, healthy eating, and getting necessary sleep for good health.
Dr. Wilkinson is married to the wonderful Mrs. Khalia Wilkinson and has three (3) children, Kayla (7 years old), Kamille (5 years old), and Lawrence (3 years old).
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Harvest Community Charities
P. O. Box 400
Pelham, AL 35124